Day Trade Smart | About Us

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For Traders, By Traders.

In 2008, Day Trade Smart was created to help both individuals and business owners learn how to navigate the financial markets. After seeing some success, our founders decided to invest their earnings into day trading accounts which they had already been trading actively for some time.

In an attempt to understand day trading even further, our founders began networking with other day traders. They quickly found that many were not seeing the same success in the market. After researching the issues others were seeing in their trading, they came to the conclusion that lack of day trading success was correlated to a traders knowledge and understanding of the markets.

With this realization, an opportunity was recognized. We simply could not pass it up. We developed a system that would educate traders to a level that made success more-than obtainable. Over time, this system was perfected until it became what you see here today.

We currently receive reports of traders who successfully utilize our proprietary system to make significant profits on a daily basis.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_custom_heading text=”Request More Information” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center”][wpforms id=”5043″ title=”false” description=”false”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1447070279580{margin-top: 80px !important;margin-bottom: 80px !important;}”][vc_column][tw_heading title=”Ownership”][/vc_column][vc_column][tw_team column=”vc_col-sm-6″ animation=”fadeInUp” animation_delay=”100″ name=”John Doe” position=”Marketing Manager” link=”#” socials=”,” image=”2851″][tw_team_item name=”Hiram Chairez” position=”Owner” link=”#” socials=”,,″ image=”4592″]Consectetuer pulvinar, mauris nunc amet wisi sed tellus nonummy. Rhoncus lacinia in ultrices. Amet dolor, blandit sed, pellentesque leo venenatis nisl nunc, orci orci, non sodales vitae morbi amet[/tw_team_item][tw_team_item name=”Tim Kobelin” position=”Owner” link=”#” socials=”,,″ image=”3905″]Consectetuer pulvinar, mauris nunc amet wisi sed tellus nonummy. Rhoncus lacinia in ultrices. Amet dolor, blandit sed, pellentesque leo venenatis nisl nunc, orci orci, non sodales vitae morbi amet[/tw_team_item][/tw_team][/vc_column][/vc_row]