Day Trade Smart and love it!

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Another day trade testimonial from another happy customer!

Our buddy Ralph joined Day Trade Smart in Utah a little while ago, and has been learning quick! After the initial bumps in the road that every trader experiences, we set Ralph up with one of our best coaches. One of the biggest difference between Ralph and other traders is his incredible attitude! This was one of his first emails to us:

Thanks for lining us up with Matt.I think that will work well as I have heard him many times in the Wed. night meeting. He contacted us yesterday and we are set up to meet Fri. I am anxious for Fri. as Mon. was another bad day for me for the same reasons you pointed out before. I have  gone back to DEMO this week as one more day like yesterday and I will be standing on some corner holding a piece of cardboard asking for help.If you go to FX Blue you better put on two pair of dark glasses. I am glad I am not trading Tue. morning, it looks like a great day to a novice like me to loose the rest of my money.

Have a good week and thanks again for the extra help. I believe your company and your people’s real intent is to help others. That has been my experience and I enjoy that kind of climate and atmosphere.


After just three sessions, Ralph really hit his stride. As he gave his ability to day trade the time and work required, this is what he sent us:

We have had three great sessions with Matt. I think he is an excellent coach. He is a good listener, really knows the program and is anxious to help each student become successful. I know he has gone the extra mile with us.Even tho I still have some things to work out, with Matt’s help I have had a good 2 weeks of trading demo. I have been tempted to go live, but I  want to make sure what I am doing and how I am doing it is really working. Matt helped me smooth out some rough edges today and I am looking forward to trading next week, still demo next week.For me, its like going back to college to get my 4 year degree in 1 year. I have heard from you and several coaches and others, that it really takes time to learn how to day trade and maybe not smart of me to even try, but time is one thing I am a little short on.

Kevin, thank you for your help and having faith in us. We really like your program, your interest in really helping people to succeed shows in all the things your company is doing. I wake up excited for a new day of trading about 4:00 am, do my morning chores and head to the office shooting to get my first trade in by 5:30. I trade until the onit, ( soak it up ) ( thanks for the gift, over $500 this week) then head for home at 5:00 PM, spend time with my wife and hitting the bed between 8:30 and 9:00. LOVE THE DAY TRADING, MY DAYS JUST FLY BY, NEVER BORING WHEN LEARNING AND SCHOOL IS NEVER OUT.  Have a good successful trip next week.


This is why we do what we do! For more information, request a no-strings-attached personal webinar! You can also visit our Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus!

Make sure you day trade smart!

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